Access the Admin Panel

Use the Admin Panel to access the components of your Quickify AI learning program.

You can generate a new course with AI, edit your learning program, change your subscription plan, review your analytics, and get shortcuts to important resources. 

This article will guide you through everything you need to know about your Admin Panel:

Accessing the Admin Panel

When you login to your Quickify AI project for the first time, the course generation page will show first. 

Click the Home button to access the Admin Panel.


If you have already generated your max amount of free courses, you will automatically be taken to your Admin Panel.

Your Admin Panel

Your Admin Panel is laid out to provide easy access to important resources.


Main Actions

Generate a course with AI Create a new course using our AI course building tool. 
Preview Preview your learning program and see how it looks to your end users. 
Share Share your learning program with your audience.

If you preview your learning program before you add a course to your Start screen, you will not see a course tile. Add a course to see how it will display to your users. 

Navigation Bar

Analytics and Users Access your analytics and manage your users.
Integrations Learn how to do Single Sign On (SSO).
Plans and Pricing Update your plan
Hire a Professional Let our team of experts build your learning program for you.
Learn Discover how you can use Quickify AI through our support articles. 



Use the direct links to important sections in the Editor to quickly make changes to your project.


Login Adjust what your users see when they login.
Start Add your courses and make them available. 
Courses Edit your courses and add important files.
AI Design Studio Generate any images for your project.



Here you can watch videos like an overview video of how Quickify AI works, or you can view a walkthrough of the product by our CEO.



This section has quick links to important support articles. 


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