Activities, Scenarios, and Media

Quickify AI drives learning engagement with a complete set of interactive activity, role-playing scenarios, and media inside each course of your learning program.

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Engagement Quickify AI is based on the addition of 3 types of interactive elements:

Amazing interactive activities

Quickify AI includes industry-leading interactive activities as the basis of your course. Activities help you deliver your information, award points and badges, and track user progress. 


Realistic role-playing scenarios

In your business, understanding tricky conversations and simulating role-playing scenarios are the key to helping your user succeed.

With Quickify AI you can present your user with a scenario involving a conversation between two characters followed by any activity to test retention and comprehension.

You can also place the user in a specific situation, like having to make tough decisions in a customer interaction, followed by any activity to make sure that your points of emphasis are landing. 


Supporting media

You can start your courses off with a quick Slideshow or short video to introduce what's important.

During your course you might want to add a quick popup up with important information from your company or a character as a reminder.

Lastly, finish up your course with a call to action popup that asks your user to complete an engagement survey, complete a quick quiz, fill out a form to be entered into a prize, etc.


Need help?

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