What are insights?

Quickify Insights deliver a report with individual performance results like completion time, percentage complete, badges earned, location and other specific data.


Reports generated remain listed on the dashboard for a week. You can always generate a new report at any time.

Download your report

To download a report and review the data, go to the Admin Panel.

  1. Click on Analytics and Users
  2. Click on the course name under Analytics in your Dashboard
  3. Click on Insights from the left side menu
  4. Click Generate to create your report
  5. Download the .CSV file to your computer
  6. Open the .CSV file in a spreadsheet tool of your choice to view the report (e.g. Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, etc.)


What is included in a standard report?

Here's how to interpret each column included in the .CSV report:


userID Unique Quickify AI identifier 
score Total number of points earned by each user.

Number of tasks completed by each user.

awardsUnlocked Number of badges (awards) earned by each user.
percentageComplete Completion percentage for each user.
completedDate Date and time when the user completed the course.
Note: Dates and times in the report are in
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
firstName User's first name.
lastName User's last name.
email Email address used by the user to create their Quickify AI account.

Additional sign up fields

Additional sign up fields can be added to your Login screen when your user creates an account. 

These are used to collect additional information you may need from your users.

View our article to learn how to add additional sign up fields.

What does a report look like with additional fields? 

Additional sign up fields will always appear to the right of the standard fields listed in the report.




Fields do not show up in the order they are shown on the Login screen. 

If a field is optional, and no user has entered data into that field, it will not show up on the report until a user fills in that field. 

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