How can we help?

How do I submit a support request?

  • Updated

If you need help with your Quickify AI project, here is how to find helpful articles to troubleshoot your issue, and contact our support team.

Use our built in search feature to discover hundreds of helpful articles and videos.

Using the support form

  • Click here to Submit a request.
  • Click How can we help you?
  • Select Get Support
  • Fill in your information:
      • Email address: used to create your Quickify AI or TIQ account
      • First name
      • Last name
      • Domain: [company] or [company]
  • Select whether you are an Administrator or End User


For Administrators

  • Under How can we help you? dropdown menu, you'll find options for the most common support concerns. If none of the pre-selected options apply, please select Other.
  • Next, let us know which product you have
  • Provide a detailed Summary of your issue

Please provide attachments such as screenshots to help us resolve the issue

For End Users

  • Let us know what product you have in the dropdown menu
  • Under How can we help you? dropdown menu, you'll find options for the most common support concerns. If none of the pre-selected options apply, please select Other.
  • Provide a detailed Summary of your issue

Please provide attachments such as screenshots to help us resolve the issue

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