Integrate Quickify with Moodle

Integrate Quickify with Moodle requires a custom integration using LTI. 

In this article we'll review:

Have questions? Talk to our team about your specific integration needs.


Can we use CAS and/or LTI to authenticate students from our Moodle LMS to Quickify?

Quickify uses a combination of Single Sign On and LTI to authenticate students. 

Other than student authentication, what other data can be sent between Moodle and Quickify?

We can pass a completion token and points which could be represented as a grade (score).


  • LTIAA is like Zapier for Learning Management Systems.
  • It allows multiple LTI accounts for an organization.
  • Because Qucikify has individual portals for each tenant, each customer must have their own supported LTIAAS account for their specific organization.


  • End users (students) will not log in directly to the Quickify portal.
  • Students launch Quickify directly from Moodle.
  • On click, Quickify will open in a new window - defined in Moodle as an "external tool" and the old browser window containing the course page will not change.


  • Quickify will display in an iFrame inside of Moodle.
  • Administrators can choose the specific Quickify course they want to add to Moodle
  • Admins do not need to login to Quickify to assign courses from Quickify to Moodle.


In order to implement this request, your organization needs the following:

  • One Quickify account: sign up free
  • Single Sign-On enabled
  • Moodle supported LTI
  • Organization needs to configure Quickify as an external tool (e.g. URL confirmation)


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